Glass constructions, all Latvia

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Dobeles komunālie pakalpojumi, LTD

Spodrības 2, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701
Sorted waste collection from residents, pet bottles, films, cardboard, glass bottles, jars, waste paper, sorted waste( lightweight packaging - used paper, cardboard, plastic, tin cans and bottles, jar of glass
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0025 / 28.08.2024

Kolkasrags, LTD

"Brigas", Kolka, Kolkas pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3275
Ecological, cylindrical shape, fir tree construction with a distinctive large, round window, mirror- glass

Latekss, LTD

Ganību dambis 40C, Rīga, LV-1005
glazed windows price, how much does double-glazed windows cost, how much does wooden windows cost, glass , door campaign, cheap wooden doors, wooden stairs for house, wooden frames, wooden frame, glued wooden constructions

RavLat Group, LTD

Gāles 27, Sigulda, Siguldas nov., LV-2150
Building glass facade washing, partition wall washing. Window frame cleaning.

Eco Baltia vide, LTD

Getliņu 5, Rumbula, Stopiņu pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-2121
Containers for glass . Bulky waste, (furniture). Removal of leaves, collection of leaves, (u. c.
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0055 / 25.08.2023

Profdoors, LTD

Rēzeknes 3A, Rīga, LV-1073
Door fittings, interior doors, doors, glass doors, door handles, door salon, interior, design, hidden, Room door with glass . Where to buy a door, interior doors. Door warehouse. Door salon.

Svips, LTD

Katlakalna 11, Rīga, LV-1073
CLEANING AND CLEANING OF THE PREMISES: window glass cleaning, washing, flooring cleaning, linoleum,

Dulkan, LTD

Latgales 322, Rīga LV-1063
Fiberglass, fiberglass, glass fibers., Boats, glass plastic, fiberglass boats, fiberglass, fiberglass boats (boat), boat manufacturing, trade

RE mēbeles, LTD

"Dukāti", Dzidriņas, Stopiņu pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-2130
Furniture making material - wood, MDF, plywood, laminate, glass ., Wooden, laminate, glass , MDF furniture. Consultations. Designing. Delivery, installation.


Parka 4C, Rauna, Raunas pagasts, Smiltenes nov., LV-4131
polyethylene, PET bottles, household chemicals and cosmetics plastic packaging) but the other one - for glass , pictograms - visual and written information that helps to understand what are paper, polyethylene, metal and glass
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0037 / 28.04.2023

ZAAO, LTD, Līgatnes district

Spriņģu 4, Līgatne, Cēsu nov. LV-4110
polyethylene, PET bottles, household chemical and cosmetic plastic packaging) but the other one - for glass , pictograms - visual and written information that helps to understand what are paper, polyethylene, metal and glass
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0037 / 28.04.2023

ZAAO, LTD, Priekuļu district

Priekuļi, Cēsu prospekts 5, Priekuļu pagasts, Cēsu nov. LV-4126
, polyethylene, PET bottles, household chemical and cosmetic plastic packaging) and the other - for glass , pictograms - visual and written information that helps to understand what are paper, polyethylene, metal and glass
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0037 / 28.04.2023

ZAAO, LTD, Beverīnas district

Kauguru pagasts, Valmieras nov. LV-4224
polyethylene, PET bottles, household chemical and cosmetic plastic packaging, but the other one - for glass , pictograms - visual and written information that helps to understand what are paper, polyethylene, metal and glass
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0037 / 28.04.2023

ZAAO, LTD, Raunas district

Rauna, Vidzemes 2, Raunas pagasts, Smiltenes nov. LV-4131
ZAAO conducts: waste management, removal, sorting, storage in Raunas district, Domestic waste, bulky waste, construction waste. Waste removal: In Raunas district, In Rauna, In Drusti; ZAAO provides services: Raunas district, Drustu parish, Raunas parish, Rauna, Roses, Cimzas, Mūri, Stuķi. ECO point is a pair of containers - one container is meant
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0037 / 28.04.2023

Iekšdurvis, LTD

Uriekstes 3 k-3, Rīga, LV-1005
hidden door, veneered doors, painted doors, door fittings, door handles, aluminum skirting boards, glass , doors, pink door, oak doors, oak door, solid wood doors, veneered doors, mirror door, sliding doors, glass

ZAAO, LTD, Strenču district

Valkas 16, Strenči, Valmieras nov. LV-4730
ZAAO conducts: waste management, removal, sorting, storage in Strenču district, Domestic waste, bulky waste, construction waste. Waste removal: In Strenču district, In Seda, In Strenči, In Plāņi; ZAAO provides services: Strenču district, Jercēnu parish, Jercēni, Plāņu parish, Plans, Seda, Strenči, Jaunklidzis. ECO point is pair of of containers
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0037 / 28.04.2023

Ornamental Steel, LTD

Ulbroka, Acones 16, Stopiņu pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-2130
gold color, silver color, chrome, chrome effect, gates, forged gate, stair railings, balcony railings, glass

ZAAO, LTD, Jaunpiebalgas district

Jaunpiebalga, Gaujas 4, Jaunpiebalgas pagasts, Cēsu nov. LV-4125
ZAAO performs: waste management, removal, sorting, storage in Jaunpiebalgas region, Domestic waste, bulky waste, construction waste. Waste disposal: in Jaunpiebalga, In Zosēni, In Melnbārži, In Abrupe, In Skubiņi, In Paupji, In Vinķi. ZAAO serves: Jaunpiebalgas district, Jaunpiebalgas parish, Jaunpiebalga, Zosēnu parish, Zosēni, Melnbārži,
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0037 / 28.04.2023

ZAAO, LTD, Vecpiebalgas district

Vecpiebalgas pagasts, Cēsu nov. LV-4122
ZAAO conducts: waste management, removal, sorting, storage in Vecpiebalgas district, Domestic waste, bulky waste, construction waste. Waste removal: In Vecpiebalga, In Dzērbene, In Taurene, In Ineši, In Kaive; ZAAO provides services: Vecpiebalgas district, Dzērbenes parish, Dzērbene, Inešu parish, Ineši, Kaives parish, Kaive, Taurenes
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0037 / 28.04.2023

EK Plast, LTD

Ventspils 53, Rīga, LV-1002
All kinds of glass fiber part, element production. Construction elements.